If you’d like to get in touch, please email us on hello@singtheirnamechoir.com.
If you are interested in joining our choir, we would firstly like to say how sorry we are that you are eligible to join our ranks. But we’re so glad that you’ve found us.
Please send us an email and we will get back in touch with you as soon as we can. We will ask you for brief details about your loss and answer any questions you may have, and then we’ll invite you to come along one week and try us out 😊 All our members know that it can be tough to come through the door for the first time – to motivate yourself to get out of the house, to face people you don’t know yet and to try to sing when you haven’t done that for years. We’ve all done it, so we get it – and that is why such a warm welcome awaits our new members. Oh - and one final thing… Please don’t worry about your singing voice. Our Musical Director Dan works miracles!
Unfortunately - for safeguarding reasons - we are only able to welcome members who are aged 18 or over.
Sing Their Name Choir is a registered CIC No. 15953385